Monday, April 16, 2012


I was hoping to be able to link this new little blog with my Tumblr account. I've been meaning to create a blog through this provider, but there always seems to be something else to do. Always.
I don't know if I'll be able to keep up with this one very well, but I'll do my best!

A little about recent events in my life:

Since we've been home from our Japan and South Korea trip, I've been enjoying a very slow couple of weeks with NO concerts (due to an unfortunate dead spot in our booking.)
We peacefully parted ways with our friends at New Hope Management, and now my mom is getting rolling on the booking, just like in the old days. She used to do it all, the managing, cold calling, booking, and she still found time for her songwriting, and being a homeschool mom of five. Yeah, my mom is a real life wonder woman.
Meanwhile, my hubby and I have worn out our welcome at the nearest Dunkin Donuts. For the past two weeks (And the week previous to our overseas trip) We would walk over from our trailer, order a coffee, and then use their internet all day long, I realized that some of the workers there must have an issue with us, when I came to the counter to claim a free donut (That I'd won answering a trivia question that is glued to the side of every large coffee cup) The young man with ginger hair at the counter actually asked me if I'd cheated by searching the answer on the internet.
Which was hilarious, and also very offensive since the trivia question was about Star Trek: Voyager. RUDE! That's a part of my childhood your attacking there mister!
We have now moved our party to the nearest public library, and I am slowly detoxing.
Other than that, I've been slogging my way through mountains of dirty laundry, my stove caused what was left of our counter to collapse during transit, and we bought a toaster oven! Which my hubby and I are weirdly excited about. Hahaha!

I may post about some cooking adventures soon. I've been craving a good Cheesy garlic bread, and Kimchi for weeks now. ;)
